The Pampas Cat is a species of cat which is found in South America. They are found in South America in several different countries. These countries include: Brazil, Bolivia, Peru and Argentina. The Pampas Cat has been successful in covering a large area of South America, due to their adaptability - this adaptability can also been seen in these animals habitat.
Many wild animals are restricted to a particular habitat. For example, the Scottish Wildcat is restricted to areas of forest in the Scottish highlands - they don’t live in and don’t adapt to other natural habitats. However, the Pampas Cat in contrast, has several different habitats that they can, and do, live in.
Pampas Cats can live in a wide variety of different habitats which include: forest land, the Amazon rainforest, savanna, grasslands, deserts and shrublands. Therefore, this cat might be small, but they are not small in spirit, as they can be found in a variety of different habitats and countries right across South America.
Threats To Pampas Cats
Although these animals have been historically resilient, and still are resilient, they face challenges, and threats from one source: these animals are sadly threatened with extinction because of humans. The Pampas Cat is threatened with extinction because of human behaviour and human destruction towards the cats habitat.
The Pampas Cat faces several different threats to their existence. One of the main threats to their existence, is because of ‘development’ over their habitats - the habitats of the Pampas Cat are being destroyed due to humans clearing these animals habitats to put houses and other urban settlements on it. Essentially, the Pampas Cats home is being destroyed, and has been destroyed, to make way for human settlements.
Human settlements are not the only reasons why their homes are being destroyed - there are other reasons. These other reasons include humans building roads and other forms of transport through the cats habitats. In doing this, it makes it hard for the cats to survive and live, because their forest habitat, for example, is broken up and that makes it hard for the cats to survive. The cats are also threatened because the roads are also a danger to their lives, and the cats can be killed on the roads.
Another threat to the Pampas Cat, is the threat from agriculture and aquaculture destroying their habitats. These two causes are two of the main causes of places like the Amazon rainforest being destroyed - the Amazon rainforest is destroyed because of things such as agriculture and because of fashion. The destruction of these animals homes is resulting in vanishing ecosystems across South America, and that is resulting in animals such as the Pampas Cat suffering and declining as a result.
There is another reason why the Pampas Cat is suffering and declining: the Pampas Cat is a victim to humans hunting and trapping them to kill them. This results in these animals suffering, and it’s also resulting in their population declining.
The Declining Pampas Cat Population
According to the IUCN Red List, the Pampas Cat is decreasing in population. They are decreasing in population due to the reasons stated above. It’s unclear what the population of the Pampas Cat is. However, what is clear is that wildlife conservationists, through the work of the IUCN Red List, believe that these cats are ‘near threatened’ with extinction. What is also clear, is that wildlife conservationists believe that the population of the Pampas Cat, is decreasing.
In three of the four countries where the Pampas Cat is found, the Pampas Cat could even be ‘vulnerable’ to extinction. If the Pampas Cat is a vulnerable species, then they are one step away from becoming an endangered animal, which also means that the Pampas Cat is at risk of becoming extinct.
The Size Of Pampas Cats
Pampas Cats are a small cat. The Pampas Cat is slightly bigger than a domestic cat, but they look a bit like a Mountain Lion.
What Do Pampas Cats Eat?
Pampas Cats have a varied diet; their diet depends on which ecosystem the cats are living in. However, they mainly eat things like small birds and rodents to survive.