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  • Writer's pictureJennifer J

Good News - Madrid In Spain Is Banning Wild-Animals In Circuses! 🎉

Circus Animals

There’s good news from Madrid in Spain today, as Madrid has decided to ban wild-animals in circuses!

This means that wild-animals in circuses, will no longer be used within Madrid.

The move comes after The City Council of Madrid voted in favour of banning wild-animals in circuses.

As a result, animals such as: Elephants, Tigers and Lions, will no longer be forced to perform tricks in the name of entertainment.

It was announced that animal circuses were set to be banned in Spain’s capital, after The City Council of Madrid agreed that animal circuses were not good for the animals, including their psychological well being, nor their mental health well being, or their social needs.

In other words, the council agreed to ban animal circuses because they did not belief that circuses were good for their mental health and their physiological health, while also depriving animals of the ability to socialize with other animals.

Madrid is not the first place in Spain to ban wild-animals in circuses. There are many areas of Spain which have now banned wild-animals in circuses.

Among the places that have banned wild-animals in circuses across Spain are: Valencia and the Balearic Islands.

By 2016, there were a record 300 towns across Spain which had banned wild-animals in circuses. That has now grown, to includes places such as Madrid.

Spain’s towns and cities banning wild-animals in circuses, follows many countries across Europe which have now banned wild-animals in circuses.

Well done Madrid! 🎉

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