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  • Writer's pictureJennifer J

The Top Ten Most Popular Garden Birds In The UK 2018

The Big Garden Birdwatch 2018 is over, but the results of this year's Big Garden Birdwatch 2018 have been revealed. The results of this blog will focus on the results from the UK as a whole.

What Is The Big Garden Birdwatch 2018?

The Big Garden Birdwatch 2018 was the 'world's largest garden wildlife survey', according to the RSPB, who ran the survey. The wildlife survey asked people to record what types of wildlife they saw in their garden, over the course of one hour.

The wildlife people recorded in their garden mainly focused on the different bird species they saw in their garden for that hour. People also were asked to record what other wild animals they saw in their garden, such as foxes and hedgehogs, which were not out during daylight hours.

There are many interesting results from the Big Garden Birdwatch 2018. Let us look at the UK wide results and look at the top ten most popular UK garden bird visitors 2018; starting with the chaffinch.

#10 The Chaffinch

#9 The Long-Tailed Tit

#8 Robin

#7 The Great Tit

#6 The Goldfinch

#5 The Woodpigeon

#4 The Blackbird

#3 The Blue Tit

#2 The Starling

#1 The House Sparrow

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