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  • Writer's pictureJennifer J

The Monkey Rescue Appeal

​Forwarded: ''Please help save even more monkeys in need and help end this dreadful trade. Wild Futures have been inundated with requests to take in more marmosets like Jerry, Coco and Kiki. They know of many kept as pets waiting to be rescued, but simply have no space to rehome them. Heartbreakingly, they are currently forced to turn monkeys away. Our friends urgently want to create a specialised marmoset facility. Please, will you help give sanctuary and a forever home to little monkeys like Jerry, Coco and Kiki? Your gift today could literally transform lives. Together let’s give them the quality of life they deserve. Your gift would make such a difference to the number of monkeys we can save right here in the UK.''

Click here to help save monkeys!

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